./ to build all containers
./ to spin up network, seed databases and run node red container
Browse to http://localhost:1881 to enter the nodered environment
./ to wind down and clean up everything
# Authentication
No authentication is needed for influxdb (dbi).
For postgres authentication the default password for the 'hollandse_luchten'
db user is set to '<PASSWORD>' in the seeding script seed/
Since a credentials file is not included in this repository;
You need to fill in this password (change it if you like) in nodered in one of the light blue postgres nodes.
e.g. "sensor_info" on tab Production.
For mqtt authentication to the hollandse luchten sensor groups, contact
# Code
- src contains the persisted nodered flows serialized to json (best to inspect his in the nodered interface in the browser)
- dataplatform_util contains a nodejs utility module, used in some nodered flows
- hl_rivmclient contains a ruby container that retrieves calibrated data from rivm
- images/luchtmeetnet contains a ruby container that retrieves official sensor data from luchtmeetnet
# Data
See seed directory for more info.
The postgres instance (dpb) contains all current meta data.
For convenience the influx instance contains a week's worth of sensor data, from somewhere in the beginning of july 2020.
At a later moment we can provide an export of all sensor data in csv or line protocol format.